Features & Headlines

BOTN Nomination
'Spilt Milk' has been nominated for the Best of the Net (BOTN) 2024 by Intrepidus Ink.
A huge thanks to the wonderful team at Intrepidus for their belief in the story and t
Intrepidus Ink published the story earlier in the year. The story can be read here: https://intrepidusink.com/spilt-milk/

Reading at Flash Fiction Armagh
Seán is to read his emotional story 'Ours' at the 'Flash Fiction Armagh' at the Armagh Food and Cider Weekend on the 7th September 2023.
Further details: https://byddi.com/2023/08/flash-fiction-armagh-at-long-meadow-cider-lineup-announcement/

3rd Place in Henshaw Press Prize
'Finger Guns', a story based in South Armagh in 1972, won 3rd place in the prestigious Henshaw Press Prize and was subsequently published in their 5th Anthology.
The story can be read here:

Published in “Flash of the Dead” anthology by Wicked Shadow Press
Two horror stories publish in “Flash of the Dead”.‘The Good Girl Inside’ and ‘Hookie, Hookie, Are You There?’
Can be purchased below:
Paperback version: https://www.lulu.com/shop/parth-sarathi-chakraborty/flash-of-the-dead/paperback/product-kp7m7p.html
ePub version: https://www.lulu.com/shop/parth-sarathi-chakraborty/flash-of-the-dead/ebook/product-qp85vn.html
Stay up-to-date on all the latest news.